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Rechenzentrum Frankfurt bei ENGIE Refrigeration

Sustainable use of waste heat - in no less than ten data centers in Germany

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With concentrated machine power, ENGIE Refrigeration ensures the cooling supply in ten data centers in Germany. Thanks to several QUANTUM Air chillers with optional heat recovery (Green Heat Recovery), the cooling and heating specialists are able to use the waste heat from the cooling process sustainably.

  • Nine QUANTUM Air chillers with integrated free cooling and a total cooling capacity of 6.75 megawatts, seven SPECTRUM Water heat pumps in containers with a total heat output of 5.25 megawatts and three QUANTUM Air chillers with Green Heat Recovery (GHR) with a total cooling capacity of 2.25 megawatts cool the server rooms of the data centers in Germany down to the optimum temperature.

  • The innovative Green Heat Recovery technology enables the customer to use the waste heat from the cooling process - and save up to 60 percent energy in the process.


Using waste heat sustainably and saving valuable energy in the process - this strategy is advancing numerous industries on the path to climate neutrality. This approach offers great potential for energy-intensive sectors in particular. One example of this is a major project by ENGIE Refrigeration, which includes ten data centers in Germany's metropolitan areas. These are part of an edge data center platform from a German provider that decentralizes its data business and thus distributes the corresponding computing power as close as possible to end users. An innovative concept whose success depends in part on the reliable provision of cooling and heating - and which is perfectly complemented by the approach of using waste heat sustainably. Our cooling and heating solutions are also a perfect fit for the project: Nine air-cooled QUANTUM chillers with integrated free cooling and a total cooling capacity of 6.75 megawatts, seven SPECTRUM Water heat pumps in containers with a total heating capacity of 5.25 megawatts and three QUANTUM Air chillers with Green Heat Recovery (GHR) with a total cooling capacity of 2.25 megawatts reliably supply the ten data centers in Germany with cooling and heating.

Using waste heat: a success factor in the energy transition
Each model contributes to the success of the project through its individual strengths: The QUANTUM Air chiller guarantees the ideal temperature in the server rooms of the data centers in Germany. Thanks to
Green Heat Recovery, it enables the operators to use the waste heat from the cooling process. This benefits local stakeholders - and therefore the economy and society. Using waste heat also means savingCO2: With the help of the innovative technology, the customer reduces its energy consumption in the ten data centers in Germany by 60 percent. In winter and during cool transitional periods, the QUANTUM Air chiller with integrated free cooling module offers outstanding energy efficiency - and also saves energy costs. The integrated fast restart technology restores the complete cooling supply in the event of a power failure in the data centers in Germany within just three minutes. The trio is completed by the SPECTRUM water heat pump with an outlet temperature of 65 degrees Celsius and an output of 6.5 megawatts - and for the first time ever in a compact container for this project, which ensures uncomplicated transportation and flexible deployment. Here, too, the experts have succeeded in making sensible use of the waste heat. Thanks to the refrigerant R-1234ze, which has a low global warming potential (GWP value = 1), the solution is also environmentally friendly. An absolute showcase project - not only for data centers in Germany, but for numerous industries!


Do you operate one or more data centers in Germany and want to make future-proof use of waste heat in your cooling supply? We would be happy to develop a solution for your application!


Further references