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Reliable cooling and heating supply for hospitals

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The temperature at the hospital plays an important role for patients, staff and the many sensitive medical devices. Chilled water is needed for climate control of operating theatres and intensive care units, for example – in a precise, reliable, efficient, silent and unobtrusive way. A challenge that we as a specialist for maximum efficiency are mastering in more than 150 clinics.

Cooling and heating supply for hospitals: strict requirements, high reliability

Hospitals around the world face the same challenge when it comes to the cooling and heating supply: they require maximum efficiency, machines that are as quiet as possible, and absolute reliability. We at ENGIE Refrigeration know this, because we have been assisting clinics with the planning, budgeting and implementation of their cooling and heating supply for more than ten years. From Germany to Iran, from the UK to Réunion, more than 150 hospitals and clinics around the world now rely on QUANTUM chillers.

Rising energy costs are a significant cost factor, especially for businesses that operate 24 hours a day. Do you work for an operating company or institution at a medical facility? We are happy to assist you with our extensive expertise.

SPECTRUM: guaranteed to be the right choice

When it comes to making the heat supply for hospitals viable for the future, our new SPECTRUM Water heat pump is the right choice. Why? Because our innovative model not only operates with efficiency and utmost reliability, but also because SPECTRUM Water is the ecologically sustainable alternative to boilers that run on fossil fuels – making them suitable for use over the long term.

Our water-water heat pump allows you to factor in all aspects necessary to make your hospital’s heat supply viable for continued use in the future:

  • Custom-fit
    12 basic models, a rated heat output of 350 to 3,100 kilowatts, and four refrigerants R-1234ze, R-515B, R-513A and R-134a to choose from – an ingenious modular concept provides the basis for us to configure the SPECTRUM Water heat pump for you in a way that ideally satisfies your requirements.
  • Reliable
    Only the latest technological components are used for SPECTRUM Water; following the quality assurance process, they were all awarded the ‘Made in Germany’ seal of approval you can rely on. Moreover, the SPECTRUM Water contains up to six turbo compressors with redundant connections and separate circuits. This guarantees utmost reliability in operation!
  • Powerful
    Our SPECTRUM Water heat pump is made for condenser leaving water temperatures up to +65 degrees Celsius – ideal for the requirements encountered in hospitals und clinics. How do you benefit? SPECTRUM Water is based on the unique concept that was also used for our QUANTUM Water, which is currently the most efficient water-cooled chiller series on the international market. This ensures you’ll profit from the same ENGIE quality that companies around the world put their trust in.

More information about SPECTRUM Water can be found on the product website – or be provided in person by our experts. Our service team is looking forward to your call!


Our QUANTUM chillers have proved to be a perfect match for hospitals in many regards:

  • Win-win profile: They guarantee maximum energy efficiency and absolute reliability
  • Space-saving: Their small footprint saves space, an important resource
  • Quiet as a whisper: Noise and vibration emissions from QUANTUM chillers are also low, so they can be operated with little wear.
  • Gentle: The gentle starting behaviour ensures low start-up currents.
  • Low-cost operation: One special feature of the QUANTUM series is that the models are low-maintenance and therefore low-cost.
  • Numerous versions: The QUANTUM comes in many different versions and thus provides the perfect solution for individual requirements.


Refrigeration supply around the clock

One customer who has been benefiting from the QUANTUM since 2010 is the Schoen Clinic site in Vogtareuth in the Chiemgau region. It now operates three chillers. Only one of the machines is in constant operation, while the others are added when necessary.

This way, ENGIE Refrigeration secures the refrigeration supply around the clock. And with our extensive service network, our service engineers can get to you quickly to perform regular maintenance.

The advantages of QUANTUM

  • Maximum energy efficiency: Save up to 50% of operating costs
  • Continuous power control: Smaller dimensions of storage tanks, fewer start-ups, stable consumer power supply
  • Oil-free compressors and non-contact magnetic bearing: Sustainable refrigeration, extremely gentle starting behaviour
  • Reduced CO2 emissions: Excellent environmental balance, drastically reduced energy costs
  • No reactive current compensation required: No drop of power factor under part load
  • Service: Simple design, fewer components, low maintenance

Would you like to learn more about the individual models?

You can learn more here:


‘Not only was our experience with ENGIE Refrigeration positive in terms of reliability, we are also impressed with the energy efficiency of these chillers.’

Josef Wurzer, responsible for building technology at the Schoen Clinic in Vogtareuth

Would you like to learn more about chillers and heat pumps for hospitals or talk to us directly about your options?