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Multiple efficiencies: utilising geothermal energy, reliable cooling and heating

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In two ultra-modern new buildings belonging to a German chemical and pharmaceutical company, several SPECTRUM chillers are utilising geothermal energy to simultaneously provide heating and cooling.

  • Five SPECTRUM chillers reliably and efficiently heat and cool a complex research centre and a new building for quality control at a large German company.
  • The sustainable operation of the chillers is based, among other things, on geothermal energy from a field of geothermal probes and the future-proof refrigerant R-1234ze.

Process stability and efficiency, plant safety, product quality and energy efficiency - all of these components depend on a powerful and reliable cooling and heating supply in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. In order to efficiently cool and heat a large research centre with state-of-the-art technical equipment and a flexible office building, as well as a new building for quality control including an analysis laboratory, a German company from the chemical and pharmaceutical industry relies on five SPECTRUM chillers from ENGIE Refrigeration. Our SPECTRUM is particularly impressive in terms of performance and flexibility. This is because the system runs with maximum energy efficiency both in chiller mode with and without heat recovery and as a heat pump.

Utilising geothermal energy effectively

Another argument in favour of our solution: thanks to the option of using geothermal energy as a heat source via a geothermal probe field, the ENGIE Refrigeration system fits into the future-oriented building concept as a green element. The heat recovery function that SPECTRUM offers as a chiller also makes operation environmentally friendly and economical. The refrigerant R-1234ze, which is used for both heating and cooling, has a very low GWP (Global Warming Potential) value. The customer's requirements and the option to use geothermal energy were reviewed and evaluated in detail in advance. Our experts also developed the best variant for integrating the chillers into the overall system in terms of hydraulics and control technology. Ultimately, this resulted in a customised concept for heating and cooling the new buildings, which ideally positions the customer's site for the future. At the same time, the project is an example of how geothermal energy can be utilised efficiently and effectively.

Are you looking for the perfect solution for simultaneous heating and cooling of your new industrial building by using geothermal energy? We would be happy to develop a concept for you.