Hospitals are among the most sensitive areas of application. In order to promote the health of patients, 100 percent reliable refrigeration technology is required. This is because the room climate in a hospital contributes to the recovery and well-being of people in the best possible way - precise temperature control is therefore crucial at all times. ENGIE Refrigeration's specialists for cooling and heating in a hospital in Bavaria with around 540 beds prove that they can deliver cooling to the point. Despite years of experience in the medical sector, this project represents a special milestone. The ideal room climate in the hospital is guaranteed by one of the very first newly designed QUANTUM Water units - a first for our refrigeration technology.
Cooling at a high level
At the hospital in Bavaria, our QUANTUM is available in a double pack: two models with a total cooling capacity of 1,390 kilowatts unleash their full potential in the hospital's room climate control system. Thanks to the use of the refrigerant R-1234ze, their operation is sustainable and future-proof. The solution also impresses with innovative digital features that ensure a smooth cooling supply. The innovative QUANTUM compressors contribute to the high performance of the system. The model is also low-noise, low-vibration and cost-effective to operate. Thanks to refrigeration technology from ENGIE Refrigeration, anyone who wants the perfect room climate for patients in a hospital will receive an all-round package.