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A perfect set-up: How the QUANTUM chiller safeguards the data centre of the future

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08 November 2021

Nothing works without functioning data centres. They are the backbone of our modern society. And no data centre can operate without refrigeration technology. Chillers secure their uninterruptible supply. Users around the world rely on the QUANTUM models from ENGIE Refrigeration to perform this task.

The world is becoming increasingly digital. As a result, more and more data centres are needed. Experts predict that the industry will see growth rates of more than 10 per cent until 2025. However, operating companies can only achieve these rates with future-proof refrigeration technology. Reliable cooling is essential, both to the ability of the server systems to function, and to the entire technological periphery of a data centre. Even the smallest deviations from the required room temperature affect the reliability of the IT devices and can lead to data losses or even, in the worst case, IT failures. In short, refrigeration technology is a critical factor for the IT building and the data centre.

Refrigeration technology safeguards data centres

Absolute operational reliability, high energy efficiency and a good environmental balance: these stringent requirements for the generation and supply of refrigeration are focal points for data centres. Our special chillers have proven their worth to customers around the world for many years – from Amadeus Data Processing to the Global Data Centers Division of NTT Ltd. (formerly e-shelter). The QUANTUM Air and the QUANTUM Water in particular ensure smooth processes and excellent power usage effectiveness (PUE) values with excellent technological components and smart features. They help operating companies to set themselves up in a promising market environment for the data centre of the future.

Refrigeration for the data center of the future: QUANTUM chillers meet all customer requirements

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Sustainability, energy efficiency and security of supply - that's what our chillers ensure in your data centre. Would you like to learn more about our highly innovative technology? Benefit from exclusive expert knowledge and receive our free whitepaper "Refrigeration for the data centre of the future".
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